School of Agriculture Articles

National Certificate Plant Production 48975 Level 2

National Certificate Plant Production  48975 Level 2 The purpose of this qualification is to allow Junior Personnel and elected candidated to progress towards a position of farm laboures (operators) with specific reference to Plant Production. The contexualised...

National Certificate Agri Trade Processes 14851 Level 2

 National Certificate Agri Trade Processes 14851 Level 2This qualification is registered at level 2 on the National Qualifications Framework. It provides learners with the opportunity to access learning in broad Agri Trade processes and practices, which include...

National Certificate: Animal Production 49048 Level 3

 National Certificate: Animal Production 49048 Level 3A learner assessed as competent against this qualification will have the necessary competence to supervise and lead a working team performing the agricultural processes as applicable to animal husbandry....

National Certificate: Animal Production Level 3

National Certificate: Animal Production Level 3 78965 level 4A learner assessed as competent against this qualification will have the necessary competence to supervise and lead a working team performing the agricultural processes as applicable to animal husbandry....